Entries by brim-admin

Second Quarter, 2022

Comments and Opinions Simply put, the Second Quarter of 2022 was painful. Painful for stock markets, investors, consumers, and the US economy in general.  The Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates in an effort to tame inflation, supply chain issues lingered, and stocks entered bear market territory.  The question of whether the US is […]

Investor Tips for Market Volatility

Volatile stock markets and uncertain economic conditions can be stressful and unsettling.  Investors usually ask what they should do during turbulent times.  Below are some tips Fidelity Investments offers to navigate volatile markets. Keep your perspective:  Downturns are normal On average since 1926, stocks have dipped into bear market territory every 6 years with losses […]

First Quarter, 2022

Comments and Opinions The First Quarter, 2022 brought major pressures on both the US and Global stages. Although we began to move forward in the recovery from the last two years of the pandemic, rising inflation, rising interest rates, and supply chain issues impacted consumers and the stock markets. In March, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine […]

Third Quarter, 2021

Comments and Opinions The Third Quarter of 2021 began with optimism, fueled by increasing vaccination rates, employees returning to work, and schools and businesses re-opening.  The stock markets were strong in the first half of the quarter – reaching all-time highs.  However, the markets ended the quarter on a pessimistic note.  A surge in covid-19 […]

First Quarter, 2021

Comments and Opinions At the beginning of January, 2020 we were entering what would become a global pandemic with far reaching personal, social, political, and economic consequences. At the beginning of January, 2021 we began to see the long-awaited light at the end of the tunnel.  Optimism rose over the increased availability of vaccines, another […]


COMMENTS AND OPINION “A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” – Thomas Jefferson (1801) […]

2018 First Quarter Newsletter

FIRST QUARTER, 2018 MY COMMENTS AND OPINIONS Mr. Market is the imaginary investor devised by Columbia University Professor Benjamin Graham and introduced in his 1949 book The Intelligent Investor.  In his book Mr. Market is driven by panic, euphoria and apathy on any given day.  Really, not much has changed since Graham was writing and […]

2017 Fourth Quarter Newsletter

Fourth Quarter, 2017 My Comments and Opinions   Before we review the final quarter of 2017, let’s take a look at the recent spate of market volatility, which is likely caused by computerized sell programs, institutional sellers and panicked TRADERS.  Traders are fast-paced ‘in-and-out’ opportunistic profit hunters. In my opinion INVESTORS are different. They take […]

2017 Second and Third Quarter Newsletter

  SECOND and THIRD QUARTERS, 2017 MY COMMENTS AND OPINIONS THE ECONOMY “The US Economy grew by 3% in the Second Quarter, the best performance in two years. The current recovery has entered its ninth year — long by economic standards — but it is showing some unexpected vigor. The Commerce Department said on Wednesday […]